Welcome to Walt Disney Elementary PTO

Walt Disney Elementary PTO is a volunteer organization made up of parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and support staff who share a common goal and dedication to the success of education for our children. The purpose of our organization is to aid the students and staff by providing support for educational and social need, to promote sense of community, to create an open communication between school administration, teachers and parents, and to encourage our Dolphins spirit and pride.

Keep Calm and Join PTO

We are an open community that will always welcome your support.  We encourage you to get involved as everything we do is based on volunteers and your helps do make a difference in the lives of our children. Every contribution we do is a positive imprint we make on our children that can go a long, long way. If you are able to give some time, day or evenings, please join us! Many hands make the job easier.  We need people with any kind of expertise from blogger to update our site, fundraising expert, event organizer, volunteer organizer, BoxTops parents, or those who are just willing to offer a helping hand during our events.

Stay up to date by attending our monthly PTO meetings where all are welcome.